Bye Manny camron ft. juelz santana- we make change I loved Manny but dude kind of fell the fuck off this season. We get it your quirky, and you like making money. You helped us win two world series, and next season you were looking at making either 20 mill from the sox, or some big ass contract with somebody else then you went all craZy and forced a trade. Cool Nomar was a salty sally too towards the end, and now y'all are reunited on the dodgers, but per usual dude is hurt. Plus I heard Jason Bay is Canadien, and has hung out with Alan Thicke multiple times. Word plus his numbers are indentical to Manny which would have made this trade a wash if the sox weren't paying for manny's contract (not that I give a fuck as a fan I want my team to make it rain on these players like hos to keep them happy) and giving up Brandon Moss and Craig Hansen, well not that those dudes were that good or were ever going to be better than average, but its the principle right? But yeah Sox are winning the series again they just turned the team into an underdorg group of scrappers who like chewing tobacco and fist fights.
I am doing this for the kids. Eighteen plus and the drunk and focused posse will be in full effect dropping rap, house, club, booty, and even some of that tight panced dance shit. This is the jump off and come september this should be a weekly party.
Ummm yeah. This is why I can't wake up early in the morning and plus the shit that is on late night is so much better. Fuck the sun, the moon is much cooler. Think about one hundo a day thats five hundo a week and thats rich. words to live by
Yo is Keith Sweat fucking with more keys than a janitor?? Only if those keys ain't coke, and we talking about the keys to a hot broads bedroom. This video starts off with keys, and wierd water shit that kinda looks like a combination of chinese water torture, or some wierd way to make crack. Then we see Keith in jail and some good looking girl in nice cars on the ocean, I think she owns a boat. But wait a minute Keith is on the boat! yes Keith Sweat owns a boat. You realize crooning pays well this brother is rich bitch! Then Keith is sauve and tells the bitch to take her shoes off. I think she has a foot massage in her future! Then Keith throws her shoes in the ocean and croons about how she is in the mood. Dude way to jump on the barefoot and pregnant shit at least 9 months early, come on wait till your semin is inside for that. Can we talk about keith's outit for a minute? First he is wearing a zubaz print tee and jeans straight out of 94, then he tops it in jail with an all denim outfit, what up square dancing cause dude looks like a white dude that loves country, is he keith sweat or toby keith? Shout out to that all white outfit with the miami hat, is that shit starter brand? Then we get a wierd scene of both Keith and his bitch in all pinstripes, shit looks a weird gay orgy between A-Rod and Jeter. Or maybe Burt and Ernie when they have an all dude sex themed yankee night.
Next he dressed up like Montell Jordan, which proves this is not how you do it being suave. Then more shots of the beach and then him in jail. All this video showed me is Keith Sweat might get the girls, but he dresses like a back up singer in a kriss kross video.
In honor of Steve Sander's wife here are some booty tracks. Y'all realize 90210 is coming back with Micheal from the wire, the mom from arrested development, Aunt Becky from Full House, Kelly Taylor as the school pyschiologist, and Brenda Walsh as a famous actress and director. Please Tell me they are bringing back Steve Sanders too. Pretty please. This show is going to be so much better than Degrassi High the next generation. You bring back snake but not wheels? Come on what about wheels man. Anyway booty music
The Monthly Freakout is back with MMOSS tonite at the scissor test and this times with 99 percent more light shows. MMoss will be freaking out most of the night and I will be playing pysch, ansd kraut records early in the night, and club shit late night. As always no cover, 2 dollar pbrs and it goes down at the red door. Also this thursday Dirty is jumping off at the Dover Brickhouse. I am going to be playing for the kids, its 18 plus y'all and there are two bands playing. Also BOSTON stand up I'll be playing beat research with the big homie Ghostdad this monday at beat research the great party thrown by Flack and Wayne and Wax. Also supposedly we got some big guests swing late night, either way Boston ain't ready. Also check out Ghostdad and Nick Yoder's all vinyl mix for VE Radio They kill it.
Ok, I missed a week (two if you count that half ass A-Rod stardust madonna shit...anyway we back) and thats only because we at drunk and focused love you a lot and wanted to dig deep to find some house tracks we really love, but also really don't know much about. First up is a track off the new mad decent podcast, and a track I always overlooked because the name of the group reminded me of some Johnny Depp Pirates of the Caribbean shit. I don't know why I was picturing the music to sound like a naked dude playing bongos, no Matthew, while some far out space chick dressed in green; green like her skin color and not her outfit. I am saying her outfit is probably beach tasteful, you know sandals and shit, and she goes, "I really dig this vibe." Even though I used to play a lot of latin house(that was back when I was all young and sexy and djed under my government four years ago but still I was eight years old in 1990 you gotta excuse my ignorance on some of this house shit, plus my brother was B2 so I grew up listening to mostly just rap music.) Anyway this track is off the Pirates of the Carribean vol.III release and thank dirty south joe for dropping this track and educating my dumb ass. Also this just proves that I am an idiot and have so much more to learn about house, and hence why I do this every monday because this ain't just for the kids its for the beat perv too, and this why I listen to mixes so I can search and find out this shit was produced by Armand Van Helden (house dudes have TOO MANY FUCKING ALIAS) and is fucking an unreal track. It was first released in 1994 on Strictly Rhythm and was the b side. Once again B-side wins Tu No Sabe _ Pirates of the Carribean
Next up is 33 1/3 queen who evaredy and I dropped on a mix a little while back ( speaking of that mix Evaredy I need it cause I done lost it). We killed that mix so much dope shit from ugk to old house and juke shit. Man we dope. Anyway the artist is 33 1/3 Queen and I used to always think this was some UK shit, but as usual I was wrong. This is a project of dj Mandrill who has been djing since before I was born and got his start out in DC and B-More area. Who knew. Either way these tracks are slamming and will still kill a dance floor. 33 1/3 Queen - Searching
Next up is some guys( I assume its a duo) that almost have the same name is that shitty australian duo (they were Australian right?) that sung the safety dance. Yeah those dudes suck, but these dudes do not. Two Men Without Hats - the breeze
Lastly some hip house for that ass. This track is crucial and if you doing a hip house set do yourself a favor and drop this. fast eddie - Let's Go
I know the loyal ten fans of drunk and focused have been up in arms in the lack of updates lately, especially the old house monday, well we have good excuses at least, no serial I promise. Basically beat perv has been working on a new three year anniversary scissor test mix, and trying to get the new site up. So this summer is going to be drunk and focused lazy. Don't worry in the next day or so I am going to do a really big old house post to make up for the lack of posts. Until then we got you covered. First up is the new Mad Decent Podcast with Dirty South Joe who fucing MURDERS the classics, its like an ol house monday all star mix, holy shit, SO GOOD and to boot done live with no headphones (I saw Dirty South Joe Live in B-more this past friday and he killed it with No Headphones) Dirty South Joe - Maddecent Podcast History of B-More Club vol. 1 Here's the playlist with commentary by the godfather Scottie B Here's the tracklisting, along with a word or two from Scottie B to put things in perspective: 1. Andrew Dice Clay - Mother Goose (Dance Club Instrumental) "Woke Technics out of a sleep over this." 2. Petra & Co - Just Let Go (dub) "One of those house jawns that bridged club." 3. Oji - Original Man "Great take on number 2." 4. Masters At Work - The Ha Dance "See 2." 5. Circle Children - Zulu (Braxton Intro) "See 2." 6. Pirates Of The Caribbean - Tu No Sabe "See 2 again...Armand again!!!" 7. Big City - Spanish Lesson "DJ Freeze...people was like "oh shit!!!"" 8. Greed - Give Me "See was BIGGGG!!!" 9. S.o.S. - Crank This Mutha "One of several takes on a DJ Food track." 10. Hoovers & Spraycans - Hoovers & Spraycans "First ravey jawn for the Baltimore crowd." 11. Stereo MCs - On 33 (45 King Dub) "One of the linchpins." 12. ? - Let The Pros Go "UK hip house rules Bmore!!" 13. Barbara Tucker - I Get Lifted The Beat "See 2 again." 14. KW Griff - Odells Beat "Modern example of the old school sound." 15. II Da Life - Go "One of the first Bmores nobody ever mentions." 16. Ultraworld - Life After Death "See 2 again and again!" 17. The Blunted Dummies - House For All (S-Man's Deep In The Vibe Edit) "Best selling Unruly jawn ever."
Next our good homie Emynd makes his Unruly debut with a digital only release including this track for free emynd - to all my haters Plus he is about to drop a bass mix with 4 Am Jess to promote his apperance at Serg from Beer and Rap's Monthly SF throwdown entitled Face Up Ass Down. Serg is our dude and his wife is the lovely dj Stef and if you live around SF and don't hip this party you'se an idiot.
I feel blessed to have been able to take a 9 hour bus ride out to b-more this weekend to have seen her spin. She was so good. Sincerest respect and love to all her friends, family, and fans of her. She will be missed.
this is taking from the maddecent blog from Dirty South Joe:
It’s with the deepest regret, the heaviest heart, and in a state of an almost paralyzing shock that we’re to report that the Queen of Baltimore Club Music died last night due to a drowning accident in the swimming pool at her home. This information is coming directly from our family at Unruly, and as soon as a more detailed explanation is available, we’ll be sure to pass that info along.
Quote: Will, heart and faith, are all of the traits that this female, Baltimore native, ascertained, in order to excel in a male dominated, hustle-minded, fast paced industry. Khia Edgerton a.k.a the “Club Queen K-Swift” was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland on October 19,1980. Growing up, she had many influences to help drive her into what some might say is a successful music career and others her destiny. Her influences were Cocoa Channel and Jazzy Joyce along with her father who had an immense passion for music. K-Swift began DJing at the age of 11; now 14 years later, she’s not only Baltimore’s only female DJ, but she’s also the only female Mix Show Coordinator in the country! Her desires to become a professional, well-known DJ were met with numerous obstacles. She received a lot of skepticism from males however; she never let that phase her. Her formula for brushing off all the haters was to just do her own thing and stay focused. Long hours spent working to enhance her DJ skills paid off.
At the age of 18, she was offered an internship at Radio One of Baltimore; 92Q Jams. From this point on, her will, faith, and formula quickly began to turn her yesterday’s dream into a reality. That same year she began producing shows for the station, the first being the Mark Young Show, followed by the Neke @ Night Show. Two years later, her impressive and consistent performance as an intern landed her a job with 92Q, where she officially became the first female DJ on the “Q”. She began DJing for a show that she and an on-air personality, Neke produced, which was called Ladies Night. That show was a big hit, therefore her new offer to be an on air personality was inevitable. After becoming an on-air personality, she then was presented with an opportunity to mix for the “Big Phat Morning Show”. Benefiting from that opportunity and growing as a DJ, she held this position for two years. She then decided to continue to expand her horizons, as she switched from part time to full time. Once she became a full time DJ she began taking over the night show from 6-10 on the Q with her co-host Reggie Reg. Not a surprise that this show became the number one night show in Baltimore. Oh, and it doesn’t stop there, she just doesn’t stop. As changes were being made at the station she remained as the late night DJ, now with co-host Squirrel Wyde, which is currently the number one night show in Baltimore.
K-Swift plays at all the hottest clubs & parties in Baltimore; her fan base is beyond celebrity status. She mixes for all the high school parties as well as in the mall for Downtown Locker Room a popular urban retailer of footwear, apparel, and music. Working at the Q opened numerous doors for K-Swift; she’s done big shows with HOT artist like Paula Campbell and Lil Mo. She‘s a member of the hottest DJ’s in the country known as the Violator All Star DJ’s, as well as the all female squad MURDA MAMIS. Her expertise as a DJ, and her career as an on air personality aren’t the limits of her capabilities. She is also the proud owner of her own Graphics Company, and Production and Management Company (Club Queen Entertainment), while simultaneously selling her own mix Cd’s on her website and in stores across the United States. In addition to all those hats that she wears, she’s also the ONLY female Record Pool Director in Baltimore for Direct Drive Record Pool. K-Swift is just unstoppable. She’s unique and unpredictable. She always bringing the hottest and latest music, not only does she bring hype to the party through her mixing skills, but her aggressive voice on the mike boosts the entire experience. Her love for what she does along with her caring and outgoing personality has taken her to the top, but she’s never going to settle. There’s so much more out there that she would like to pursue. Her goal right now is to go on tour with a major artist, and excel at being an entrepreneur. K-Swift is definitely a woman that the music industry doesn’t want to sleep on, she conquers any and all obstacles that come her way, and her drive should let you know that she can’t stop, and won’t stop, until she’s done it all.
She carried a mysterious, almost mythic quality about herself and her craft to some of us club music fanatics outside of Baltimore. We’ve always known that she had the ability to make and break artists in her city, and that she held it down on 92Q radio, but until this past weekend, I don’t think we knew the first thing about her. Her Dj sets at the My Crew Be Unruly party at the Paradox, and at the Artscape festival the next day (with DJ Class) were nothing short of incredible. Friday night at the Dox was so devastating in fact, that her jaw dropping set actually had Diplo nervous about following her, and I’ve NEVER heard him admit anything similar of the sort before then. He and I literally talked about her all day yesterday. The conversation was something to the effect of “Isn’t K Swift the most awesome person in the history of awesomeness?!” and then we’d compare notes about how effortlessly cool, and what an immensely talented dj she was. Shawn Caesar says she couldn’t stop talking about how excited she was to have been spinning with Diplo, and how much she was looking forward to working with all of us in the nearest future…WTF? THIS ISN’T FAIR!
Shawn, Scottie and the rest of the Unruly fam, I have no idea what yall are going through…especially Shawn because I know you were as close as family to each other. Your loss is our loss, and what this beautiful and talented woman brought to the table can not ever be replaced. She was a pioneer in her field and she expanded that vista almost every day to include more and more successes. I’m so sorry, Baltimore. We love you!
Rest In Peace K Swift, The Queen Of Baltimore and Club Music worldwide.
Tonight at the scissor test me and evaredy celebrate K-Swift and Baltimore Club music, no cover, 2 dollar pbrs, and it goes down at the Red Door in Portsmouth, NH
Tuesday July 15th we got god buzzard playing the scissor test (think a bunch of weirod drone freak out shit, its like suicidal tendencies making out with suicide)no cover, we got them 2 dollar pbrs, and I'll be playing all them records you love with evaredy all night
wait a minute A-Rod has been seduced by Madonna and kaballa and goes into a trance anytime a madonna video plays on the tv (well thats what his ex trainer tells anyone with a camera) Wow, its great to be a red sox fan on this day. And to be honest I have just been looking for an excuse to post this mp3. This is the perfect track for dudes who like to dance with their shirts off. And yes,we all know A Rod so fierce, and definitely a dude who does not wear a shirt while he dances, and we at drunk and focused say god bless his ability to be a total tool, and of course hit home runs when it does not matter. Mickey Mantle would be proud. stardust/madonna - music sounds better with you (thunderpuss 2000 holiday mix)