Simply Saucer rocked so fucking hard it should be illegal. I think it actually is in a few states. But, these fellows didn't have to worry about that because they were from Hamilton, Ontario....which is in Canada for you non-geographically inclined readers. Consisting of Edgar Breau (principal songwriter and guitarist), Steve Park (guitar), Kevin Christoff (bass), and Don Cramer (drums), Simply Saucer was quite a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, they were playing slash and burn Stooges-type rock with psych, krautrock, and weird electronic noise thrown in for good measure. Which addds up to instant fame (in my book) unless of course you're playing this sort of thing in 1974 in Hamilton, Ontario and you're very lazy about touring...which is exactly what happened. And that's the only conceivable reason this band never got fucking huge.
They only have one actual release from after their break-up which gathers their demos and some live stuff from a show they played on the roof of a mall. Nazi Apocalypse is from the demo side of the record and it fucking tears!
Here Come the Cyborgs Pt.2 is one of the live cuts. Oh my sweet jesus! At about 1:40 in, when things start to slow down, Edgar plays the single greatest piece of guitar screech feedback ever commited to tape. After that, comes a fucking monster of a guitar solo. Straight awesomeness, no wanking in sight.
If you download and listen to these songs and don't immediately want to go out and buy this record, A) Your ears aren't working properly B) You haven't downloaded and listened to these songs at all and/or C) The terrorists have won.
dope, thanks.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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