Saturday, July 08, 2006

I am free from the chain gang now

The new johnny cash V recordings is fucking dope as fuck. Yes thats my review shit is fucking dope as fuck. This ain't some bullshit pitchfork review where I used a bunch of bullshit to describe his new albulm, and show off that graduated college with an english degree. Or should I just assume they problay hate this new albulm cause more than five retards with bad hairucuts know about it and like it. Fuck it this albulm is great and simple. Just johnny cash looking at the face of death and singing about with pure rawness and honesty over folksy and bluesy shit. If you don't like this shit you probaly don't have what rakim rapped about and for you pitchfork writers thats soul.(side note if pitchfork gave this a good rating which I assume they did regardless of my before mentioned rant, I am sure its for all the wrong reasons,drunk and focused officially wants to the world to know that we skeet skeet skeet all over pitchfork and their bullshit review system.) You know you got soul if you like this otherwise go back to listening to the new j5 and dave mathews band song and thinking about how great sandals are.

Free from thechain gang now

if you could read my mind

Like the 309


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